
Hi there.

I'm "the joyful potter."  (Maybe when I go viral {wink} I'll be brave enough to use my real name.)

Some of you know me in real life.  Some of you, despite having never met me, do me the enormous honor of reading my words.  Some of you even come back, and back, and back again.  I don't exactly understand why, but I am grateful.  Maybe we're a kind of kindred spirits, and that's why you read what I write.

Because me - I read to know I'm not alone.  Maybe you do, too?

Could be, though, that my experience of life is so foreign to you that reading my words is a cross-cultural experience.  I hope you keep coming back - and commenting!  I'd like to learn about your perspective, too.

So.  Facts.

I'm forty.  Married to my Farmer.  [We are the fourth generation to live on the land that my Farmer's great-grandfather purchased.  The farmhouse is over 100 years old and is something of a crazy quilt, construction-wise.  These two facts affect my life nearly every day.]  We've had four children together - three daughters and a son.  You can read about them here.  They are, literally, my life.  I'm home with them most every day, all day, teaching them about life, and arithmetic.  They, in turn, teach me about trust, and forgiveness, and laughter, and play.  (You can see who's getting the better deal.)

I'm a potter.  A writer.  Chef.  Reader.  Critic, cheerleader, learner.  Friend.  Child of God (and also His more-or-less backward student).

I'm a struggler.  An intellect fighting to overcome that handicap, and not often successful.  A lover of beauty, an idealist, and a discontented fault-finder.

I love learning about people.  You - yes, you! - are endlessly fascinating.  I could listen all day to the stories of people's lives.  Except that . . . I am also easily worn out by being with people. [see: introvert - yeah, that creates a little cognitive dissonance...]

Well, that's enough for now.

Check out some posts and you'll soon know more about me.  And comment?  Cuz I would love to know more about you.

p.s. I love getting email! You can drop me a line at buretachi [at] gmail [dot] com.

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